Connecting through the virtual realm

Ugheldze Le Cilaes (Information We Share)


In 2019, Chickaloon Village Traditional Council's Cultural Resources developed the Nay'dini'aa Na' Kayax Ugheldze' Le Cilaes (Chickaloon Native Village Information We Share) Project. The project is an immersive digital platform supported through Mukurtu CMS, where Nay'dini'aa Na' Kayax Tribal citizens, other Ahtna Dene and the public can engage with materials from the CVTC Collections and other repositories across the United States. Visitors can support Nay'dini'aa Na' Kayax in its mission to foster connectedness to Ahtna cultural sharing and education. As the Tribe’s Museum Specialist, Selena currently manages the site with support from the CVTC IT Department.


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